Is your library still closed due to Covid-19? Even though many places are finally reopening, our library is still shut down. For a family of readers--that just isn't working for us! We've turned to some great library alternatives to get us through. Here are our favorites.

Five Library Alternatives to Keep Your Family Reading
We were lucky enough to get to our local library before it temporarily closed its doors. That meant we had about ten books to keep the kids busy through quarantine. I think they lasted a week!.
These are the options that have kept us reading and sane through the craziness of the Covid-10 pandemic.
Overdrive - Online Public Library Alternative
Most local libraries give their patrons access to their OverDrive online library. We use ours all of the time. We usually reserve and check out books to read on Kindle, but other digital options are available as well. You'll need a library card to access the service.
To find out how to access this service, check out your local library's website. You can also call the library, and they will usually walk you through it. (Many libraries that are closed still answer their phones.)
Your School's Overdrive Account as a Library Alternative
Did you know that most school libraries have their own account with OverDrive? Different books are available in different libraries, so add all of your kids' libraries to your OverDrive account to get the best selection of books. (All of your libraries will be listed separately, so you can click on each different library in your account to check book availability.)
Kindle Unlimited as a Library Alternative
With Kindle Unlimited you get unlimited access to selected audio and kindle books for only $9.99/month. (That's similar to the cost of purchasing one Kindle book a month.) With choices for all ages, the whole family can get new books as quickly as they can read them.
You can check out ten books at a time. When you're ready to add number 11, the system will prompt you to return an old title before you check out a new one. With one click, your new book is ready to read. Not every ebook or audiobook is included, but my kids and I have found plenty of great books to read.
Right now, you can do a free trial for one month, or $4.99 for two months. We've been using this since the beginning of the quarantine, and we love it!
Audible as a Library Alternative
If you want a bigger variety of audiobooks, try Audible. With your membership, you get one free audiobook a month, two audible original audiobooks, and a discount on all purchases. You get to keep the books forever -- even if you cancel Audible.
If you are an Amazon Prime member, you get two free audiobooks in your first month instead of one. Since so many of us are ordering everything online these days, it's a great time to sign up for a free month of Amazon Prime, anyway.
Good Will as a Library Alternative
If you are lucky enough to have Good Will, Deseret Industries, or any other thrift stores in your area, check them out for inexpensive books. If they aren't open yet in your area, hopefully, they will be soon. I found that these stores opened back up for business pretty quickly.
Deseret Industries' books tend to cost less than books at Good Will, but I know not all areas have that store.
I hope these library alternatives help keep you and your family reading all summer long. (And I hope even more that all the public libraries will be open for regular business soon!)
Happy reading!
Need ideas for books to read? Check out my post titled, Best Clean Books for Teens and Tweens. (And yes, they are great for adults, too!)
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