School is canceled, we're all stuck inside, and the kids are bored. Heck -- I'm bored! I think we all need a little guidance on how to keep kids active during a quarantine. To help us all out, I've compiled some fun and creative ideas to get the family moving. No matter your space or resources, I have 15 amazing ideas for you to beat the boredom blues with your kids.
Think outside of the box to get active
While it's tempting to let the kids chill in front of the TV or binge their favorite video games for the next few weeks, inactivity will only make things worse. I've already noticed that it is getting hard to get going every day. The whole family seems a little lethargic and depressed.
Since we can no longer simply send the kids out to play or invite over friends, it's time to get creative! Here are a few ideas that I hope will transform your boring household and keep kids active during the quarantine.
Turn what you already have into fun activities

Backyard or Indoor Obstacle Course -- Grab jump ropes, pool noodles, couch cushions -- whatever you've got -- and create an obstacle course in or outside.
Twister -- This game has been sitting in our closet forever! Time to take it out and give it a try again. Don't have twister? Draw it out with chalk or use colored masking tape to create circles on the kitchen floor. Instead of spinning a spinner, write the colors and left foot, right hand (etc) on cards and select them from a hat.
DIY Fitness Challenge -- Take turns planning a series of fitness moves, and challenge your family members to complete them.
Simon Says Fitness -- "Simon Says do five jumping jacks." "Simon says hop in place while rubbing your stomach." (You get the picture.)
Walk to Disneyland -- Figure out how far it is from your house to a favorite location like Disneyland, the zoo, Grandma's house, etc. Then challenge family members to walk around the house, outside or on a treadmill each day. Keep track of each person's distance, and add the distance to a family tally. See if you can walk the distance to your chosen location before the quarantine is over. (Maybe actually plan to go to that place once the crisis has ended.)
Minute-To-Win-It -- Remember that old TV show? Go to Pinterest and search "minute-to-win-it games." You'll find plenty of fun ideas to bust boredom and get your family moving.

Lazer Maze -- If you can find a hallway, yarn or twine, and masking tape, you can create a really cool laser maze. Here's how we created ours for Lu's spy birthday party a few years ago. It was the hit of the party and really fun. (If you're worried about your walls, please use painter's tape.)

Tin Can Stilts -- Make some of these, and let the kids clomp around the house. (I know many of you won't have the materials. For those who do, the stilts are a lot of fun.)
If you are lucky enough to have a sidewalk or driveway that kids can play on and still socially isolate, don't forget these old favorites:
Hopscotch -- Got chalk and a driveway or sidewalk? Try good old-fashioned hopscotch!
4-square -- Remember 4-square? I haven't played it since I was a kid! All you need is a flat spot of concrete, some chalk, and a ball.
Go digital to keep your kids moving during a quarantine
Although I usually try to keep my kids off electronics, the quarantine has changed that. Now I'm encouraging the kids to turn to their electronics as a form of exercise. If it's not safe in your area to send your kids outside, check out these online resources to keep kids active during a crisis.
GoNoodle -- If you have kids in elementary school, odds are that they are already familiar with GoNoodle.com. It's a fantastic website full of brain breaks and fun dance/exercise videos for kids. Many teachers use these videos throughout the school day. Trying them out at home will not only get your kids moving, but it will give them the security of bringing some of their favorite activities from school into their home. These silly activities are guaranteed to bring a little laughter into your house.
The Fitness Marshall -- He's great for older kids who enjoy hip hop. Warning--many of his dance tutorials are not kid-friendly. I am linking you to a channel called Fitness Marshall Kid-Friendly. I cannot guarantee that all of the videos are safe for your kids. Depending on the age of your kids, you may want to run through the playlist before you give your kids free rein. I've done some of these with my kids, and it was a lot of fun.
OrangeTheory Fitness on YouTube -- OrangeTheory is offering free at-home workouts during the quarantine. You may have to adapt for younger kids, but I'm excited to try these workouts with my teenagers.
YMCA on YouTube -- Check YouTube for YMCA channels. Many local YMCAs provide online videos of your favorite classes.
Active Video Games -- If the kids will be playing video games anyway, encourage games that get the kids up and moving. We have a Nintendo Wii, and the kids enjoy Wii Sports and Just Dance. X Box 360 has a lot of active games as well. When it comes to Just Dance, we often set aside the controllers and just dance for fun.
*Affiliate links to some of our favorite games below:
We're all in this together
Thanks for stopping by today. We're all in the same boat -- just trying to keep our families safe and happy during a difficult time. If you have ideas on how to keep kids active during a quarantine, please add them in the comments. The more great ideas, the better!
While you're here, check out more fun ideas to adapt for the quarantine below.
The images are linked to posts, so click on them to pay a visit.

I love the string/laser maze. That is so cool! Not sure if I'll be able to try that in our tiny apartment. But definitely going to get out some board games. My 11 year old daughter says they're called board games because they are boring. I said no, it's because they have a cardboard for the game. Lol! She always dislikes getting them out, but in the end, she has fun. I played board games several times a week when I was growing up and I miss it. But I was a child of no tv in the house. Hahaha
Thank you for this great article!
Thanks, Sherry. We're discovering that we have some pretty fun games that we've forgotten about. It's fun to get out the old stuff and play.
Amber Myers
These are some great ideas! I'll have to try some of them out with my kids for sure. We might have to try that lazer maze.
The laser maze is super fun. Hope you’re staying sane stuck inside!
Marie Phillips
We have been having a lot of fun doing various activities. These are some great suggestions to add to it. I think we will try the laser maze.
Thanks, Marie. What’s the most fun thing you’ve tried? We’re always looking for ideas.
Infinity Laser Spa
So many great ideas! Social distancing when you have kids must be tough. For your nerves I mean. But those ideas will keep them busy!
It is tough! The kids are dying to go play with their friends. We’ll survive and count our blessings.
Julia Hess
We actually did hopscotch the other day when it was nice out. Neither of my boys are really old enough to do it correctly, but they had a blast just running and jumping in the squares. This is definitely a time to get more creative with activities. Great list.
Thanks, Julia. I bought some sidewalk chalk, and I think we'll be doing some sidewalk games as well. My kids are teenagers, but four-square might work for a little while!
GiGi Eats
If only my son was of AGE to understand these things. But then again, I guess if I have to have a kid during quarantine, I am glad my son is only 1. He's got naps... And he can't talk... And he doesn't go to school yet. haha!
Naps! I miss naptime. At least my kids are old enough to take care of themselves. They're not exactly self motivated to do homework online, though. I guess there are hard and easy parts for every age. Enjoy naptime, but you might start wishing your one-year-old could carry on a conversation after a few more weeks!
Tara Pittman
The tin can stilts bring back memories. I loved these as a kid
I'll admit, I even try them once in a while. There's something very satisfying about the clamping noise they make!
Such good tips - the laser maze is incredible! Keeping kids active and entertained is so important during times like these.
Thanks, Jen. I think we're all going to be a little bit crazy after a few more weeks!
I love these. These are great ways to keep the children busy during these times. It will surely lessen their worries and fears while enjoying more time at home. <3
Thanks. Keeping busy is sure better than dwelling on what's going on in the world. That's for sure.
Shelby Johnson
These are all such good ideas to keep kids active! I do not have kids but I am a kindergarten teacher and will have to pass along your blog post to the parents of my kiddos! I especially love the Lazer tag. So fun!
How are you doing, Shelby? Are you missing your kindergarteners? That was my favorite grade to teach. A friend of mine is reading a chapter book to her students every night. I'm not sure how she's doing it. Maybe Facebook live or something.
Sol Razo
Great ideas! Kids should not be confined at home just watching tv but more of indoor and within the garden's activities like you've mentioned.
I'm trying not to let them watch tv and play games on their phones all day. Actually, I have to pull them away from reading books long enough to get anything done!
Jessica Collazo
I love twister. This are some fun games. Love them all. Thanks for the advice.
I haven't played Twister in years, but I'm getting stir crazy. It might be time to pull it out!
These are excellent ideas. We don't have kids but I'm close to making a course out in our yard for my partner and I to try! The boredom is well and truly kicking in!
That would be so funny, Nyxie! Maybe you could make a funny American Ninja Warrior Course. My husband and teenagers would love that!
Britt K
Great ideas! I've seen a wave of friends sharing their at home obstacle courses both in the house and in the yard, created using things that they had readily available. The kids love helping to create the course, and (of course) they love playing on it afterwards. It's a win/win across the board!
I actually think one of the silver linings of the quarantine is that people are starting to really get active again. People are also really getting creative and I hope they still keep it going even after this is all over.
These are such great ideas. I have been struggling to find ways to keep my son occupied while at home all day!
Hang in there Shoma. This can’t last forever, right?
Hola me encant esta película. La adoro quisiera wste juego para el cumpleaños de mi hija por fa gracias bendiciones