Happy Thanksgiving from OneCreativeMommy.com! What am I thankful for? You, of course! I hope everyone has a great day with friends and family. Whether you find yourself slaving over a home-cooked meal or dining at a restaurant, I hope you'll take a minute to count your blessings and remember to say thank you to the people you care about. While you're at it, don't forget to say thank you to everyone else, too! . . . the grocery clerk, the customer service rep, the girl at the fast food check out window . . . (I think you get the point!)
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About Heidi
Hi! I’m Heidi, the sometimes scatterbrained, but always creative mind behind One Creative Mommy. I'm a retired teacher, wife, and mom of three beautiful teenage girls and one adorable fur baby. In my spare time, I love to share my ideas (mistakes and all) with anyone who will listen.
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